Monday, August 5, 2019

The Third Maya Deren Film We Saw Was, By Far, The Most Ambitious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Long before alternative sexuality was defined, Maya Deren was exploring it in her 1946 work, "Ritual In Transfigured Time."  Part Surreal, Expressionistic, and part Ballet, the film explores pan sexuality, suggesting the textures of the human body--especially gorgeous ones, darlings!!!!!!!!!--are fluid, and that we should be able to sexually morph ourselves into anything.

                                       It's a lyrical fantasy, because I have enough trouble with leg cramps, let alone any other kind.  But the imagery in this film is by far the most dazzling and poetic of the three we saw. Released in 1946, whomever the followers of Deren were, it had to have spoken to them in a meaningful, post-war context.

                                        Viewing it today, it was ahead of its time on interchangeable sexuality.  While not as macabre as "Meshes In The Afternoon," it was, by far, my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You knew your images, Maya, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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