Thursday, September 19, 2019

Don't Y'All Go To Carolina In The Mornin', Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I guess penis chopping is making some kind of a return.  The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is 56-year-old Victoria Thomas Frabutt, of Newport, North Carolina.  She and her husband, James Frabutt, was restrained by her, shortly before 4AM on Wednesday 9/11, when she took a knife, and severed his Johnson.

                                     There seems no motive but prime female rage!  Why is lopping off the man's penis the only things that seems able to satisfy it?   Renata Klein had the right idea on "Big Little Lies," when she smashed hubby Gordon's man cave.  Now, that is effective!

                                       This is some dumb looking piece of trash.  Maybe the husband is a pig; who knows?  But she is rendering bodily harm, because, once severed, the guy is in danger of bleeding out to death, and, if not, how is he able to be fixed, so he can urinate properly?  It was said the severed organ was found, and frozen on ice.  The husband was transported, along with his member, to the Vidant Medical Center, in Greenvillle.   Who know what surgical miracles will be performed, there?

                                         I am telling you, this is enough to destroy heterosexuality!  I never hear about gay men cutting off their partners' penises.  Why does it seem women are the only ones who do this?  It is not funny, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Except, maybe in the case of Brigitte Harris, the Queens woman, who, after years of abuse, cut off her father's penis, cooked it, and served herself up proud, dressed in a red hat and outfit, flower on the table, elegant as you please, as though dining at Sylvia's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Don't want the specialty of THAT house, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She is undeserving of the name Victoria

  2. Maybe a “Vicky” but Never a Victoria


  3. Victoria,

    I am not sure what name she is
    deserving of. I agree with you.

    Definitely not in her right mind.

  4. I don't know about gay guys cutting off each other's penises but a fellow named Earl Zea chopped off HIS OWN member and flushed it down the toilet because he was being sexually harassed and stalked by a gay man.


  5. Denise,
    I don't believe a word of it.
    Why would someone chop off their
    own penis? Even the most
    homophobic would do something
    else rather than dismember
