Thursday, September 19, 2019

Entertaining Start, But Too Many Of Us Have Been Here, Done That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  There was not much wrong with the opening of "American Horror Story:1984," darlings, (entitled "Camp Redwood")) except too many of us, of a certain age, have been there before.

                                     As one of those folk, I can say the whole thing was gotten down perfectly.  The hair styles, costumes, those aerobic workouts--all were true to the period.  As was the creepy depiction of "Camp Redwood," the fake rain, and all the movie references therein.

                                       Obviously, "Friday The 13th" was the cue for the whole thing.  But aficionados should also have spotted references to "The Burning," "Halloween," and during the asylum escape scene, strains of music that suggested a reworking of John Carpenter's famous "Halloween" score.

                                          As for the actors, well, let us start with Emma Roberts.

                                          I am not sure she is strong enough to carry the show.  She is really  trying--and you can see too much of the effort--in trying to play a naïve newcomer, when, with that face, she will always be the perennial Mean Girl.

                                            Thankfully, she is offered great support by Billie Lourd, as Montana Duke.  She is sure to liven up moments, and will be able to work off of Emma so that her Brooke Thompson comes off better than she is capable.

                                              I am telling you, Evan Peters must be having a laugh fest!  He knows what a bitch Emma really is, so, for him trying to see her as anything else, is especially humorous. Not to mention he can relax knowing he is not going to, at least this season, be chased all over the set by Ryan Murphy, who wants to suck Evan's cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Mr. Jingles-- I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The brilliant John Carroll Lynch plays him, and I want to know his back story.  A nod to Cropsy from "The Burning."

                                                 Matthew Morrison as Trevor Kirchner, Activities Director (Hah!) is a riot!  I did not recognize him, at first, but the hot camp thing he has down pat; there was a counselor in the 1983 film, "Sleepaway Camp" (another reference!) who had the same look.  He should be a lot of fun.

                                                   As should Angelica Ross, as Nurse Rita, who houses some deep, dark secrets.  I am telling you, dolls, keep your eyes on her!

                                                    Same with Leslie Grossman, as Margaret Wood!  I love her hair, and those glasses,  but, oh my God, what a Bible thumper.  You can bet hypocrisy is in her past, and it will be fun to see her character unravel as she is revealed.

                                                   Who played the "Crazy Ralph" stand in, who gets crushed under the car?  Kudos to him for a new take on the character.  Though the original, actor Walter J. Gorney, will never be topped.

                                                    But my favorite was Tara Karsian, as Chef Bertie.  The complete opposite of wholesome looking Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Voorhees.  I can't wait to see what is done with her.  I could also see Kathy Bates playing this, but the concept of this show is the same as the slasher films of the era--cast unknown actors, who most likely will go nowhere.

                                                       So much is gotten right, this should be fun to watch.

                                                       But Emma Roberts had better watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Tara Karsian is the daughter of Pat Carrol, of the Danny Thomas show.
    And the Jimmy Durante show i think?
    And many other shows and films


  2. Victoria,

    I had no idea she was Pat Carroll's daughter.
    I loved her. Tara should be something on

  3. The deep dark secret of Angelica Ross is that she's the first trans actress to migrate from "Pose" to another Ryan Murphy franchise. The only thing more amusing than Emma Roberts stoically trying not to come off as her usual vapid Mean Girl is watching Angelica half-heartedly trying not to come off as a desperate bitchy Harlem mean-girl trans antiheroine (which she played to awesome perfection in Pose, but might seem anachronistic here if she slips too far forward into what appears to be her actual personality).

    As far as the show, it was a good first outing (better than the past three AHS premieres), but like many I wondered how this premise could sustain 8 to 10 episodes. Silly me: all one needs to do now is take a peek at the Geek Web right after a show ends to glean the collected wisdom of people sweat the small stuff as their life vocation. As a certified geek myself, I'm embarrassed to realize I didn't catch several glaring clues to where the concept is probably going because I was too distracted by the Sleepaway Camp trapping. But sharper eyes noticed immediately:

    Mitch Pileggi of "The X Files" was prominently (and seemingly pointlessly) featured as an administrator during the asylum incident. Pileggi was the center of an X-Files reboot plot from last year that encompassed nearly every trope on display in the AHS premiere: disturbed war vet "monster" who collects ears and carries keys, isolated forest setting for killings, dangling back story for the murderous vet. Mix in the pattern of the last three AHS seasons completely blowing up their original premise halfway thru the season, and the odd choice to tile it "1984", and you're left with:

    Mr. Jingles and some of the other inmates were victims of government mind control experiments, the slaughter at the camp in 1970 was planned, and the current reincarnation of the camp is under covert government surveillance. The "1984" moniker is a clue that the premise will quickly segue from slasher film homage into Orwellian territory. Could be interesting, if thats where its headed...


  4. I too worry how this will hold up.
    The Orwellian thing never entered my
    mind, though I hope it does not get
    too political; I had enough of
    that, with "Cult."

    I hear Sarah Paulson will make
    one surprise appearance.
