Friday, September 20, 2019

Funny, In Unexpected Ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I never saw the film "Four Weddings And A Funeral," but Luis Alberto's Urrea's novel reminded me of it.  Death hovers over "The House Of Broken Angels."  The de la Cruz' family matriarch is on her death bed--and so, unknowingly, is her son, Big Angel, who is shutting down from cancer.  So, he decides to throw himself a birthday party where no one will know it is his last, and in the process have the matriarch's funeral.

                                      This premise pushes the novel from grim to humorous.  When both branches of the family descend, chaos and madness erupts, as well as family feuds, all know what it is like, darlings.  We have all been there.

                                       Add to it the border issue, because some live in San Diego, while others live in Tijuana, Mexico.  So, the border issue is played fast and loose.

                                        Who ever expected a book about Death to be so funny?

                                         An entertaining, funny family saga, the kind of which is hardly seen.

                                        Kudos to Urrea for a stunning achievement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Fun fact: His wife’s name is CINDERELLA!!
    He calls her Cindy!

  2. Victoria,

    I did read that! I have never heard the
    name actually used, outside of the story.
    Hope there are no mother-n-law issues!
