Friday, September 20, 2019

"One Last Caress, It's Time To Dress....For Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Yes, darlings, despite what those on TV say, today is the last day of Summer.  It is Proserpina's last day on Earth for the next six months, because, tomorrow, she returns to Hell, and the Fall season commences.

                                      This past Summer was discovered the beauties of South Jersey, I was blown away by Elizabeth Gilbert's "City Girls," and I battled hives on massive doses of anti-histamines I am still taking.

                                        And now will come the Fall.  Coolness, culture and celebration.

                                         I bid adieu to Summer, but look forward to the season ahead!


  1. Next thing we know, it’ll be twenty twenty!!


  2. Victoria,
    Indeed. As one grows older,
    the year goes faster!
