Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Do We Really Have To Talk About This Movie??????????? Well, I Suppose................

                                  First, the title, replicating the sparkling glitter of the Ruby Slippers is wrong.

                                  But that is the least of it.

                                  If this movie is for anyone, I suppose it would be the young and/or ignorant, who have no idea of the magnitude of Judy Garland's artistry.  And her tragedy.

                                  The movie looks like it was made on the cheap.  Especially those quick flash backs to her youth.  No one looks like whom they are supposed to be, and I cannot believe, Louis B. Mayer, who could barely speak English, could have delivered the speech he delivers to the young Judy.

                                    Then there is the scene everyone is getting all worked up about.  Andy Nyman and Daniel Cerqueira play this bogus gay couple named Dan and Stan, who live together in London,
They turn up at every engagement Judy appears at.  The problem is they are the only ones, and this defies credibility, because hundreds of people--gay and straight--clamored at Judy's stage door every night.  So, the set up is ridiculous from the start.  Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But it gets worse.  Judy invites the besotted couple to go out to dinner with her, but they end up at their apartment, where Dan plays piano for her, and then the actors, in character, launch into a pitch for gay rights!   Darlings, being gay myself, I am certainly  sympathetic,  but what are the chances this actually happened?  Judy did not speak out for gay rights, though she acknowledged them as audience members.  If her death had not colluded with Stonewall, she might not even have become a symbol. This sequence is one of the supreme examples why this is the worst biopic since "J. Edgar," back in 2011, where Judi Dench had to deliver that ridiculous speech--and how she kept a straight face I will never know--about how she would rather have a dead son than a daffodil.  All this in reference to an event I could not find proof of--a little boy Edgar knew at school who was caught in female garb, made to stand like this in the school yard, and days later, took his life.

                                     If credibility must be strained, do not insult the audience. Case in point--"Funny Girl" in 1968.  Not exactly Fanny Brice's literal story, but it gives insight into who she was as a performer, and captures something of her appeal.

                                     Or how about 1954's "A Star Is Born?"  Pretty close to Judy's story, but not really.  Better to watch this than the current film, where one can distill Judy's essence.

                                      Of course, these films had two performers that could pull it off--BARBRA and JUDY, herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If Renee Zellwegger squinted her eyes one more time, as she does through all her movies, I wanted to tear her lashes out.  Judy certainly did not do that.  Never have I seen a more no talented bio interpretation of a performer. None of the Garland warmth and nuance in personality or singing. The actors playing her children are even worse.  No wonder LIZA disapproves.

                                         A final rendition of "Over The Rainbow" by Zellweger is sheer gall.

                                        Now, let's listen to the real thing!  What a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And who is this idiot, Rupert Goold, and what made him think he could pull this off?  And how did Zellweger, probably the least suited, get cast?????????????????

                                       Like I said, it all looks done on the cheap.  And this book it is purportedly based on, "End Of The Rainbow," by Peter Quilter????????????????   Never heard of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I needed to cleanse myself of this film, as I felt I disrespected this great artist by seeing this film.  Girls, I am telling you, save yourselves the trouble.  Watch Garland as she actually was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                            Wise choices pay off, girls!

                                             "I'd give the world if I could only be,
                                               Sittin' on my Mammy's knee!
                                             I love the young folks, I love the old folks,
                                             I love my honey lamb, and everyone in Alabammy!!!!
                                             Mammy!  Mammy!  My dear old Mammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"