Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wouldn't This Make A Great Double Feature, Darlings??????????????????????????????

                    Everyone knows about "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes," and "Killer Clowns From Outer Space.  So, I began wonder what other killer things are out there.  I came up with a title of my own, which was "Attack Of The Killer Tongue," where an enlarged tongue squeezes its victims to death, by wrapping them around, like a sausage in a pancake--Pig In A Blanket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Image my shock to discover my idea has already been used.  I have no idea when the tongue movie was made, and I cannot tell if it is soft or hard core porn.  But from the poster, there are risque connotations to it, and I would love to see how the Killer Tongue originates, and how it actually kills its victims.  Are teeth also involved?  Because this would have to be the greatest sex farce, since Mitchell Lichtenstein's (son of David) 2007 film, "Teeth," dealing with a young girl suffering from vagina dentata.  The last scene was a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    On a more benign note, there is "Attack Of The Killer Donuts," where jellies and Krispy Kremes get their revenge.  I think they would be excellent to show at kids' or adults' birthday parties. And, of course, serve donuts, afterwards.  This is a more recent film, from either 2016, or 2017.

                       Truthfully, I don't know kind of killer film will come up with, next, but I cannot wait.
Cigarette butts?   Beer cans? What is next?
But whether it is tongue, or donut, I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't go to Dunkin', girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Killer donuts lol
    Well they can certainly mess up your blood sugar. And waistline.


  2. Victoria,
    I agree. And there is a saying, "A
    donut is a bullet to the heart."
    Still, I think this would be a hoot!
