Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Happy Feast Of The Guardian Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Now, girls, I am not talking about the ones patrolling the subways, in NYC.  According to teachings during my Catholic childhood--and who knows if this is being taught anymore; nevertheless, I continue to believe--each person is assigned a Guardian Angel during his or her stay on Earth.  The angel's identity is not known, though said to be revealed upon death.

                                    I can attest that my Guardian Angel has done a superb job, getting me out of any number of sticky situations during my frenetic youth, and guiding me to the love and support of my David, which I cherish, today and every day.

                                       I personally salute him or her, who was given a top, difficult job, watching over me.  Yet I feel blest, having someone watching over me, getting me as far as I have.

                                         So, girls, give your Guardian Angel a sign of appreciation today, by giving him or her a rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Stay out of trouble, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A friend of my son’s took his own life recently; I knew him as a teenager.
    I know it’s not my fault but you can’t help thinking, were there signs I should have seen? Was there something I could have done???


  2. Victoria,
    I am devastated to hear of your loss,
    as well as that of your son's. I lost
    two people to suicide, and it is the
    hardest thing to grasp. I wish you,
    your son, and the friend peace.
    And to the suicide's family as well.
    My heart goes out to all of you!

  3. Thank You.
    It is a grief unlike any other I have experienced.


  4. Victoria,
    I am devastated by Channing Smith,
    and I want to know more about
    Abraham Devine. Something is
    definitely wrong.
