Tuesday, October 1, 2019

We Now Enter The Tenth Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Greetings, all you ghosties and ghoulies, it is that wonderfully macabre time of year.
Horror movies, costumes, candy; no wonder so many find this their favorite month.

                             It is not mine, particularly, but I welcome you all to it, and look forward to what the month will bring.  Imagine, October already!  Soon, I will be planning the Christmas calendar theme!

                              May October bring good excitement, and more blog posts; September was the lowest ever.  I have a reputation to maintain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Otherwise, I am going to have to start hanging out, at bars and night clubs!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Wishing all my readers a Happy October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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