Wednesday, October 16, 2019

'SVU's Quality Not Nearly As High As "AHS'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Last week's episode, "Down Low In Hell's Kitchen," was better than the Ariel Winter episode, of last week, but it was still lame.  The best moment came in the opening, where Noah told Liv he did not want to play baseball....he wanted to study ballet!!!!!!!!!!!  I say, "Good for you, Noah!"  Because "Everything is beautiful at the ballet," but for Liv this will pose problems.  A burgeoning gay child?  I don't think Liv will be able to handle this one.  I cannot wait to see. but I predict, it will take Finn, his son Ken, and Grandma Sheila, plus excursions to the ballet, opera, Broadway, Serendipity, and some high end restaurants to turn Noah into the gay adult he is capable of becoming.  As a former burgeoning child, with New York wants, believe me, I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                At first, I thought this episode as a redo of "Criminal Hatred," from 2013, where a self-hating gay man who could not pass for straight, wreaks murder on all those Manhattan suited closet cases who can.  I really got in, being in the same position myself, but I thought why keep redoing original episodes, that were better,  in the first place?????????????????

                                 This episode was less a redo than a rearrange.  Yes, victims are being murdered in midtown gay bars, but the victims are Afro American?  Is there a racial component?  Well, yes, and no.  The whole thing comes down to a white redneck type, who seeks out the black closet cases in the bar (the show makes Tuesday his night, so the killer can, presumably, watch 'SVU' on Thursdays!!!!!!!!!!!!) and, after determining they have wives, lures them into the bathroom, where the sicko goes down on the guys, gets off, and then, when the cloud has cleared, pursues them out of the bar, and kills them, out of self hatred and guilt for what he did!  Oh, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, hey!  This killer is a win, win!  Once he goes to prison there will be so many men eager to be serviced by this closet cocksucker, he will be as happy as a pig in shit!

                                         Watch out, you don't get corn holed, guy!  Bet you never heard of that!

                                           Really, there was no excuse for this episode, except insight into Noah, and the reveal, which I have been saying on here for years, that the most dangerous so-called members of LGBQT community are those Great Big Closet Cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Yet, hope springs eternal!  Baby Gojira is still excited about tomorrow night!


  1. That IS what you have always said!

  2. There was a gay child on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
    I never saw that show but I read about it.


  3. Victoria,

    What surprised me was the writers
    went with it. A very interesting
    trope. I never saw "Curb Your
    Enthusiasm either, so I never
    knew it featured a gay child.
