Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Birthday Celebrated, Yesterday, In Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Here I am, girls, posing with Baby Gojira, in front of our gorgeously decorated apartment door, done by our next door neighbors, Dan and Jennifer!

                                        We had just returned home from a perfect meal, at Positano, on Fourth Avenue, and 100th Street.  I stayed true to form--mozzarella and tomatoes, Pappardelle Bolognese,
and for desert, espresso poured over vanilla ice cream.  David ordered a calamari dish, big enough for two--we will share, next time--and had Chicken Scarpariello, which he just loved.  For his desert he had a Napoleon, but it was unlike any I had ever had.  The pastry crust was so sweet, thin and crisp, and while there was cream in between each layer, there were many more blueberries and raspberries, which tasted fresh and made the desert lighter than one might think.

                                          Over the weekend, we saw "Moulin Rouge" on Broadway, and watched "The Bad Seed" (the 1956 one and only!) on Saturday night!  I will write about the show and the "Twilight Zone" event we went to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But I could not have asked for a better way to make turning 65 possible!
Many thanks to all who helped, sent cards, and especially to my beloved David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Seniority beckons, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Papardelle Bolognese is one of my favorites.
    That type of pasta is under- appreciated!!


  2. Victoria,
    I agree. And it makes the meat
    and sauce cling to it more!

  3. Happy birthday to you! Thank you so much for your blog. I enjoy it very much, especially your book reviews.

  4. Annie,
    Thanks for the birthday wishes.
    I will be posting some more book
    reviews soon.
