Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Milestone Birthday Yesterday! A Milestone For This Blog, Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Imagine my surprise, when I discovered the follower indicator this morning showed 100 readers!  David always said that when this happened, we would have a party, so stay tuned for further details on that.

                                      Yesterday, I turned 65, and today I reached 100 followers on my blog.  I am not sure who the follower this, though I suspect my good friend Norman, who emailed earlier, saying he was trying to become the 100th follower.

                                         Whether it is indeed Norman, or someone else, I bid you welcome.   This blog is for one and for all, for entertainment, information, and garish humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And as I tell everyone on here, it goes great with coffee.  Which is by my side right now, when I write.

                                           So, with the Holiday Season fast approaching, you don't want to miss a thing, on here!  Meanwhile, welcome to the blog, #100, and here is the unofficial theme song--


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