Friday, November 15, 2019

"AHS 1984" Goes Out On A Note Of Hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Honestly, girls, the two most touching moments in the show, were Finn Wittrock (glad to have him back!) as Bobby Richter, hugging his father, played by John Carroll Lynch.  I cried REAL tears.  Same when Bobby leaves Camp Redwood alive, and  Lavinia, Mr. Jingles, and Bobby's younger self wave back at him, lovingly.  Another time I teared up.

                                 But who the hell is "The Final Girl?"  At first, it seems to be Donna, but then it is found out Brooke is alive--and ageless--after 30 years?  So, what was going on?  And then the viewer is gratified by Margaret Booth getting a "Fargo" type sendoff, only to learn some of the chips stayed in camp, so she has to, as well.

                                   One way to look at it is Margaret is consigned to a living Hell, but pity the other "ghosts" who have to deal with her.  I wanted Margaret dead--for good!  So, I was not happy, with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The almost Shirley Jackson 'Lottery' like execution of Ramirez was extremely satisfying, if gory.  I have to say the more the season went on, the more the gore was amped up.

                                     In a way, everyone gets, or seems to, what they want, with this finale. It was almost too neat and tidy.  Slasher movies always had some twist--Jason jumping out of the boat, Michael Myers vanishing--and that did not happen, though I waited for it!

                                      Psyching us up for a Music fest bloodbath, and then not delivering, was a sham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Oh, well, another AHS season bites the dust.  Who knows what the next--my God, the tenth!!!!--will hold in store?  Or who will return?

                                         And I am sure the actors are glad they no longer have to wear those ridiculous 80's aerobics costumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Maybe the plot twist was that there was no plot twist


  2. Victoria,
    You have a point, there!
    I never even thought of that!

  3. My cousin, an AHS junkie, pointed out a glaring plothole this finale opened up in the connected "AHS Universe" - Richard Ramirez being trapped at Camp Redwood up to and including 2019 violates AHS canon.

    Ramirez also appears in AHS: Hotel, at the "deceased serial killer party" hosted by Mr. March. Everyone refers to Ramirez' death in prison in 2013 (an actual fact). This conflicts utterly with the notion of Ramirez being indefinitely detained at Camp Redwood, which not only disrupts AHS continuity but veers so wildly from reality that its ludicrous even by AHS standards.

    Murphy has gotten real sloppy with AHS ever since he signed his trillion dollar deal with NetFlix (which primarily hinged n the Sarah Paulson "Nurse Ratched" series, which never seems to premiere, and his tedious "The Politician" starring the noxious Ben Platt). Last season's ugly betrayal of Moira and the other ghosts redemption at "Murder Haouse" being undone (and unremarked upon) because Murphy couldn't think of a proper ending for "Apocalypse" still rankles. All I can say is, he'd better leave Pepper undisturbed!


  4. My Dear,

    I did not catch that about Ramirez. But I
    did sense there was something off. It was like
    everyone wanted to get this very short season over
    and done with. It was entertaining, but I hope
    next season brings back better actors, and more
    cohesive plot threads!
