Friday, November 15, 2019

Betty Smith Would Turn Over In Her Grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Betty Smith, of course,  wrote the classic semi-autobiographical novel, "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn."  If you have not read it yet, I urge you to.  If it has been awhile, then read it again.  And I defy anyone not to shed tears in the schoolroom scene, near the end, where Francie, about to graduate eighth grade, is handed flowers by Aunt Sissy (Joan Blondell) which are from her already deceased father, who gave Sissy the money for the gift before he died.  The father, Johnny Nolan, was played by Oscar winner James Dunn,

                                       That was then, this is now.  I have to wonder what Betty would think of what Brooklyn is turning into now, especially down by the river?

                                        First of all IKEA does not even belong in Brooklyn.  It is a store for young gays who are just starting out.  Now, of course, such exist in the borough, but not enough to justify this store.  And the same with Wegman's!!!!!!!!!!!  Who is going to come over to some godforsaken section of Brooklyn for high items, truthfully, when would do better by going into Manhattan?

                                           I have been to both, and I can tell you they are not attracting the high end clientele!  While Brooklyn is not a borough of White Trash, plenty exist in it.  And they all go to these places, as if it was the only thing in life to do. Well, they don't read or think, so the only thing they are good for is consumerism and debt!!!!!!!!!  Because it is all being done with plastic!

                                             The people I saw the day I was at IKEA and Wegman's looked like they might be future litigants on "Judge Judy!"  If I start recognizing people on her show, I would not be a bit surprised.

                                               This whole Brooklyn industrial thing will be a novelty for a time, then business will fall off, go out, and the buildings will go into disarray.

                                                And the area will turn into what it started out as, in the first place--a dicey neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve never been to an Ikea; there are none in my area.


  2. Victoria,
    You are not missing much.
    The furniture is designed more
    for the young.

  3. Ok I googled, and there IS one in Norfolk, about 45 minutes away.
    Apparently they have a big play place in there; might have to check it out next time we have the grandsons


  4. Victoria,
    Interesting, because I have
    never been to IKEA with a
    play place. Even I would
    find it more interesting
    than the merchandise!
