Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book List Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I am not ready to reveal all, darlings, but I can throw out a few hasty tidbits.

                                    The New York Times finally published its "100 Most Notable Books Of 2019."  I should be tackling that, over the next few days.

                                     The book I am currently reading, "The Topeka School," by Ben Lerner, IS a New York Times Ten Best Selection, which I will let you know about, as soon as I finish it.

                                       I can tell you this much right now--MY list will be vastly different from The Times'.  Even though I did like one of the books on their list.

                                         Stay tuned for more, darlings!  I hope to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow, and have a special Thanksgiving Bitch Of The Week for you.


  1. I’m interested in hearing what you think of the Lerner book.
    Apparently he’s considered one of the greatest writers of his generation


  2. Victoria,

    I have 54 pages to go in
    the Lerner book. I will post as
    soon as I am able!
