Tuesday, December 3, 2019

"Let's Roast Chestnuts By The Fire.....Any Little Thing You Desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Who knew?  Who knew, girls, that a five week old baby (ME) in 1954 would come to imagine this the height of sophistication and long for it, actually possessing TASTE??????????

                                    I mean, that Audrey Hepburn look is just heavenly, surrounded by all the now antique furniture, plus a girl friend who cannot imagine, at this moment, that the two might grow into future lesbians of America!  Ah, the innocence of the Fifties, when menace was around the corner, but no one ever knew it

                                     And just look at those fabric curtains!  Heat up some fresh coffee on the pot, and pour a cup!

                                      Yes, kids, this WAS actually real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My parents were both the biggest cigarette and coffee addicts you ever saw--born in 1959, I grew up in an apartment so filled with smoke that it was like there was a campfire burning at all times, and there was always a pot of coffee on the stove. They would drink it all day long, even until right before going to bed! They both smoked 3 packs a day, and there were coffee rings everywhere, on the furniture--on newspapers--my parents lives seemed to revolve around cigarettes, coffee, and newspapers--they were both born in the 1920's--

    I like vintage pics of Christmas past, gotta love that fitted skirt :)

    Ah, simpler times--

  2. Lori,
    Yes, simpler times.
    My parents were big coffee drinkers;
    I inherited that. My mother smoked
    2 packs a day; she died of lung cancer
    in 1979.

  3. Oh, sweet baby Jesus!

    Did you give me a fright with this pic!

    The main gal standing next to the tree is a DEAD RINGER for what I looked like in my 20s before I grew my beard. I mean so dead-on its scary: she could be my clone. Unless this pic is newer than it appears, and I had some bout of trans-amnesia circa 1977 where I put on this outfit (to very little acclaim, I'm sure).

    I may need to send this out as my Xmas card this year, just for the confused reaction from family.They'd be more shocked by the cigarette than the skirt: I'm famous for being the only rabid NON-smoker in my clan.

  4. Very sorry to hear about your Mom. My dad died from a heart aneurysm at 66 years old, and my mother died of a stroke with complications due to emphysema at 77. Cigarettes are as bad as heroin.


  5. Lori,
    Thanks for your kind words.
    Funny thing--my mother was a registered
    nurse in her career, so she knew. She
    got all of us to doctors but was the
    last one to go herself. And I hated
    her smoking. She taught by example there
    of what not to do. Smoking was a deal breaker
    in dating, and my husband and I are non-


  6. My Dear (to Videolaman),
    Thank God you don't smoke; it killed
    my mother. It is one of your outstanding

    I did not realize the person next to
    the tree was a man. I chose it because
    it had a quasi lesbian tone to it.

    Cannot imagine you minus the beard.
    How long have you had it?

  7. I don't think thats a man, just a mannish librarian type of woman (this was not an unusual look for young women from the mid-1950s thru early '60s). But she does alarmingly resemble me in my 20s.

    The beard came and went thru my 20s until becoming a fixture from 26 thru today. Early on I had trouble keeping it (and my wild head hair) groomed properly, so I veered month to month between looking like Abbie Hoffman's twin and the gal in this vintage pic.


  8. Darling,
    That look has not gone out
    of style in the librarian
    profession. One of the two
    I most despised at that place
    had that particular look. And
    the personality, or lack of,
    to match!
