Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who Wrote "The Purple Cow?"

                                                " I never saw a Purple Cow,
                                                   I hope to never see one,
                                                   But I can tell you, here and now,
                                                   I'd rather see, than be one!"
                                                   --Old Childhood Rhyme

                                    This was how I was introduced to the rhyme, when I was a child, illustration and all.  I always felt sorry for The Purple Cow, and loved her all the more for being persecuted by the other cows.   I wanted to reach out and comfort her, saying she should be proud of herself, for being so outstanding.

                                       I mention this because it is referenced in Ben Lerner's novel, "The Topeka School," and I found it interesting it was brought up in a novel that to me, advocates toxic masculinity, and homophobia, by not including any gay characters or references, because Lerner is some macho creep who thinks he is a writer, but whose rightist agenda was plain to me.

                                       Along with "The Purple Cow" is the repeated phrase,
suggesting America is in a state of perpetual adolescence. That may well be true, but is that a good thing, Mr. Lerner?  Look where we are headed?

                                       And, of course, The Times Book Staff, whom I am sure has not one gay person on it--oh, my God, we can't have THAT!!!!!--endorses this hetero sexist tripe!

                                      The only thing I am here to endorse is "The Purple Cow," and all who
feel like her!

                                        Be proud of who you are, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I, too, am a purple cow.
    And Ferdinand the bull.
    And Perfect the Pig.
    And Frederick the mouse.
    And Swimmy the fish.


  2. Victoria,

    I, too, love Ferdinand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
