Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dead Men Tell No Tales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But I am here to, girls!

                                   The other night, I managed to get through Paula Zahn's--she of the Schoolgirl School Of Investigative Journalism--because the murder of Trisa Gail Thornley, aged 8, by corrections officer Adam Aubrey, a married man of 20, was so  despicable I knew I had found this week's winner of The Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week Award!

                                      Adam and his wife had separated.  On January 23, 1978, he was going back to his former residence, to pick up some things. While driving, he saw Trisa, who had been a neighbor.  He offered her a ride; knowing him, she accepted, and that was the beginning of terror and sickness.

                                        Of course, he did not take her home.  And she screamed and fought.  He even tried to sexually assault her, but was not successful.  I hope Trisa put up a fight!  Good for you, hon!  He was tried, convicted, given the death penalty and, on May 4, 1989, he was executed in the Florida facility in which he was confined.

                                          I am not surprised this happened in Florida.  These people are one step removed from White Trash.

                                           What I am surprised about--which I shouldn't be--is Paula's true lack of journalese, because there was so much I wanted to know.

                                              Had Adams not been apprehended, he would have done this again.

                                              However, the perfect way he seemed to commit the crime and almost got away with this, indicates to me too much perfection.  Which suggests that Trisa was not his first victim, that there were others, which may not ever be known about.  And I feel sad for those families whom Adams robbed.

                                                Whatever drove Adams to do what he did to Trisa--and part of it was opportunity, she being in the wrong place at the wrong time--these thoughts and deeds must have been percolating in him for years.  In fact, if one had done an extensive investigation between his 16th and 20th years, I believe signs, and possible other victims or attempts would have been found. He was a bomb destined to detonate; unfortunately, it happened to be Trisa he took this out on.

                                                      Had he not, some other girl would have paid the price.

                                                       Of course, I don't blame Trisa. But I do blame the Ocala Police for not looking into Adams history carefully.  And Paula for her deficiencies in reporting.

                                                          Yes, Adams is dead.  For over 30 years.  But his sickness prevails over Ocala, and for the remaining members of Trisa's family.

                                                            Bitches do get their comeuppance.  I am glad Adams got his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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