Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Most Honored Guest In Our House.....Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    We have a neighbor, Michael, living in the other side of our apartment building, who I often see walking his dog, Dexter, a lovable mix of beagle and pointer.  Dexter is loving and affectionate.  When I had to bring something to Michael in his apartment, several weeks back, I visited with he and Dexter.  Dexter not only made me feel welcome, he played with me, showed off by doing tricks for me, and was so glad when I walked into his home.

                                      Last Sunday, David and I returned the favor.  Michael had asked us, the next time we went to The Strand Bookstore, to pick up some bookmarks for him.  We did, and last Sunday, David texted, and Michael said he would come over.  David asked him to bring Dexter, and he did.

                                        I want to tell you Dexter is, so far, the most celebrated and best behaved guest we had.  He toured the apartment with a keen eye, seemed very taken with the bedroom, and, once we settled in the living room, sat right on my lap, as I pet him.  Later, he rolled over and laughed out loud, as I rubbed his stomach.  He was a very happy Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Such a pleasure having Dexter as a visitor, and I hope he knocks on our door, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            You are always welcome, sweet Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a great picture of Dexter, aren’t you lucky to have such sweet neighbors! You often come up as a google result whenever I search crime stories and that just gives me a giggle ...because I too live in Bay Ridge and I am certain I’ve seen you walking with your partner. Cheers and happy new year!!!
    I’ll say hi if I see you out and about ;-)))


  2. Andrea,
    Hope to run into you, I loved your
    comments. Yes, Dexter is a love, and just
    brightens my day, when I see him. I know
    he is taken very good care of.


  3. Victoria,

    Isn't Dexter great! And he would love
    you too! He is so friendly and affectionate!
    A pleasure to have around, and I hope he comes
    back, for another visit!
