Wednesday, January 8, 2020

On January 5, I Began It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Mark the calendar, girls!  That is when I began reading Uwe Johnson's "Anniversaries," at least Volume 1.  I have made quite a dent, but am so far behind today, I have to catch up.

                                                     The novel is a juxtaposition of the lives of Gessine Cresspahl, and her daughter, Marie.  They arrive in New York in 1961, and view all the social atrocities here, while Gessine, born when Hitler came to power in Germany, recalls that past, her relatives, her husband, and all the tragedies in that era.  It is certainly Germanic; aside from the locale, there is not an ounce of humor in it.  This is serious, difficult reading, and it takes time, and an investment thereof.

                                                     Which I intend to honor.  Something keeps me coming back to it, as I come to care for the two main characters, and recall events in New York and during the 60's I recall vividly from my childhood.  At one point, the author even interjects himself into the story.

                                                         Certainly not for everyone.  But for those who desire a literary challenge, this is a major workout.

                                                          And I cannot guarantee everyone will finish it.

                                                           I plan to.  Remember, I began on January 5.  I will alert you as to when Volume 1 is finished, though I will not report completely till I have finished the second volume.
January 5 to……………….?  I wonder how long it will take.

                                                             Wish me luck, girls, and if my appearance on here gets spotty, this is the reason why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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