Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The First Book Of 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This is not the edition I read, but the cover best exemplifies the virtues of the story.  I wanted to re-read it, specifically before seeing the movie, which I plan to do, within the week.

                                           Having not read "Little Women" in over thirty years, I was quite surprised. More than a girls' book, more than something aimed at children, the book is surprisingly adult, and epic in its depiction of Concord, during Civil War times.  There is more depth to the main characters--Meg, the beautiful one, Jo, the impetuous one, Beth, the ethereal one, and Amy, the pragmatist and artist.  Marmee's maternal warmth and Hannah's household wisdom round out the female ensemble.

                                              Yes, "Little Women" has male characters, some of whom compliment the women beautifully.  I had forgotten Laurie ends up with Amy, and that Jo marries the Professor.  Or that Meg had children by the story's end, as did Jo.  And Beth....dear Beth...who can forget her, though I wonder why Alcott chose that fate for her?

                                                 This novel is actually a seminal work of American literature, and were I teaching such a course, this would be included in it,  If you have read it, it is time for a revisit.  If you plan on seeing the movie, you need to.

                                                    "Little Women" was brilliant, and a delight from start to finish.  It made me want to take up sewing, so I could by a table, with a glass globe lamp, perfecting my craft, in the evenings.

                                                         But then, evenings are when I do my reading!

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