Thursday, January 2, 2020

This Is The Day Of The Year I Most Dread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It gets easier, as I get older, thanks to a combination of experience, and meds.
Call it depression, or Seasonal Affect Disorder, but on January 2, I get down, because that is when, for me, things come to a screeching halt.

                                    From my birthday, on November 18, till today, the year seems like as never ending occurrence  of gatherings, parties, gifts, and going hither and yon.  Then on January  second, it just stops.  And pretty soon the decorations are being dismantled and put away, and we settle in for the Winter Of Our Discontent.

                                     Thank God, we have some events and things coming up in January and February, to keep me from falling apart.  And especially with me beloved David.

                                     But the end of this time is always a sad one.

                                      May we all move forward now, in safety and happiness
See?  On this difficult day, Gojira sends his good wishes!   What could be happier than that?


  1. I’m with you.
    I loved your Angel Chimes story!!


  2. Victoria,
    So good to hear from you.
    I was beginning to worry.
    The chimes were beautiful.
    It made me feel my mother
    was present.
