Thursday, January 16, 2020

Girls, Every So Often, Treat Yourselves To A Weekend Of Being Like Jackie And Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Last Thursday began like any other.  I awoke, took my meds, made my coffee, and started writing.  Having completed all that, I rested for a bit, before continuing with Uwe Johnson's "Anniversaries."  Before I could do, that, however, David called me to inform me that our neighbor, Dan, had called him at work.  You see, his fiancé, Jennifer, also our neighbor, was turning 50 on Sunday, the twelfth, and he had come up with this fabulous idea--not to tell Jennifer, but planning out a weekend trip to D.C., staying in the Willard Hotel, and getting tickets to "My Fair Lady" at the Kennedy Center.

                                    And he wanted us to come along!  On the house!

                                    David was elated, but I was cautious!  You see, I am not big on spontaneity, when it comes to anything, especially travel.  Even a movie or theater viewing I spend more time planning.  So, I was a little reluctant about the whole thing.  And eight hours--coming and going--in the car, with neighbors we are very friendly with, but, which under such circumstances, such relationships can implode, had me bothered.

                                      Nevertheless, at 7AM, Saturday morning, I was tossed into a car, with Jennifer, who had no idea what was going on!  Were we being kidnapped?  Going on the lam?  It was anyone's guess.  My David sat up front with Dan, to keep the mystery going.  It vanished, when Jennifer saw signs indicating "Baltimore," and guessed we were going to D.C.  But she did not know yet what she was in for.

                                       Well, when we pulled up to the entrance of The Willard, Jennifer was plotzed!  As for me, I rose to the occasion, like Princess Lee Radziwill, darlings, thrilled to be in an environment, the manner to which I was born.  You can bet I channeled Lee, and she was with me every step of the weekend.

                                        Which included--to be continued in other posts--dinner at the Old Ebbitt Grill, an evening of psycho movies, showers with conditioner and cream rinse, a panda visit, and, of course, "My Fair Lady."
Here is Peacock Alley, where Afternoon Tea is served.  Though I walked through it, many times, I regret we did not have time for tea!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, well, maybe next time!

I swear, Lee was walking beside me, the whole time!

Here she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Gojira, who, like Ruth, always goes where we go, had a great time, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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