Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Dancing Nuns! They Call Them Cake Walkin' Babies, Back Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 When I first saw Ken Russell's film, "The Devils," at the Film Forum, a decade or so back, I understood why the 1971 film received an X rating.  Self flagellating nuns, inserting leeches on body parts, to bleed--it was all too much!  Even for me, darlings!  I knew I never wanted to see this film a second time.

                                     But what is all this fuss the Vatican is making over the title sequence in the HBO drama, "The New Pope," which features disco lighting, an illuminated crucifix, and--oh, my God--nuns dancing before it, on the altar?  Not one nun is naked; they are all wearing proper white nun gowns.  I mean come on!   I know the church condemned  "The Devils" upon release, but next to it, this is small potatoes.

                                      Let me tell you, I would have been proud to have been one of those dancing nuns.  Meanwhile, I don't hear the Vatican making as much a fuss about all the sexual abuse having occurred and still happening, in the Catholic church.  I love my divine beliefs, but those do not include hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       For my money, I can't wait to see this series, just for this sequence.    I may, in fact, dance in front of the TV screen.  In a white nightgown, of course.

                                        As one sister to another, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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