Thursday, January 16, 2020

School Administration Earns Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is Kayla Kenney.  She is 15-years-old, and an eighth grader at the Whitfield Christian Academy in Louisville, Kentucky.  She is celebrating her fifteenth birthday.  Now, I am not here to question, now, why a girl of 15 is still in eighth grade.  That is for another post.  I will give her the benefit of the doubt now, and say maybe she started school later than she was supposed to.  And maybe there was a reason for that.

                                In any case, the real reason, or issue, here, was celebrating her birthday in a private, family setting, outside the confines of the school, and she was sporting a rainbow T-Shirt and cake, both of which looked charming.  She posted it on her Facebook page, and when the school administration saw it, they set about expelling Kayla, because her attire and cake were contrary to the school's beliefs.  In other words, anti-gay.

                                   Hey, for argument's sake the rainbow could be a motif for "The Wizard Of Oz."  Just saying.  But school administrators have not changed since my day; they are all bitches, are chosen for that, and while I naively thought, at one time, that when my generation assumed authority, things would change, was I wrong!  They have only gotten worse!

                                     The Whitfield Academy calls itself Christian, but that world should be removed.  Because its dismissal of Kayla, who was innocently enjoying herself in a private setting, should be respected.  Had she done this on school property, OK, maybe there would have been a case.  But, once out of school, what one does on their own time should be theirs.

                                       Her parents fought to have the expulsion countered down to a "voluntary withdrawal," so as not to go on her school records.  What a crock!  For all intents and purposes, this child was expelled by a bunch of witch hunting bitches, who are as lacking in Christian values as can be.

                                          To parents in the school's area, refer to this post as a reason NOT to send your child to this school.  And if enrollment drops, then Kayla and I will have served a purpose.

                                            Rock on, Kayla! You keep on being who you are!

                                             And never, NEVER let a bunch of bitches ruin your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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