Monday, January 13, 2020

Girls, Guess What Classic Broadway Show Turns 50 This Year?????????????????????????????

                                   "Darlings, I've been trying to reach you all day!  Darlings, there is something I wanted to say!"

                                     Truthfully, borrowing from Sondheim, you shall hear of the frenetic-ism of my life over the past several days.  Bur right now, I want to call your attention to something historical!!!!!!!!!!

                                      On April 26, 1970, twenty seven years before I moved to Woodside, Queens, "COMPANY" opened at the famed Alvin Theatre--now the Neil Simon.  The score--oh, my God!--still resonates, and when the gender revised production arrives here on March 22 this year, you can bet all us theater queens will turn out for it.  I mean, Patti Lu Pone doing "The Ladies Who Lunch" alone, is enough for me!

                                        But I think this production opening in the year of the show's 50th Anniversary is serendipitous.  And that cast--Dean Jones, Barbara Barrie, Charles Coe, John Cunnigham, Beth Howland, Elaine Stritch, Donna McKechnie, Pamela Myers, Susan Browning, Merle Louise--am I forgetting anyone?  If I am, sorry.  But you do not see casts like these on Broadway today.

                                          So, I want to remind everyone of "COMPANY's" upcoming 50th!

                                           Blow out the candles, and make a wish at your own "COMPANY" party.

                                           Within this show is one of the best songs ever written about New York City, "Another Hundred People."  Here it is, from the documentary on the cast recording of the show, performed by the original musicians, and the woman who introduced and still owns the song---Pamela Myers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Life and love is "COMPANY," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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