Monday, January 20, 2020

How Does One Wrap Up A Weekend Trip To D.C.? Why, By Visting The Smithsonian National Park Zoo, To See The Pandas, Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Aren't they just the cutest, darlings?  One thing--they are much bigger when seen live.  And you know how much I love animals, and, I swear, there was one moment when I thought a panda would go home with us, because one came close, I called out to it, sweetly, and it was coming right to me.  Until another panda distracted it.

                                    Would I have been caressed?  Or mauled?  Or both?

                                     From a distance, they do look rather sweet, and after psycho binging the night before, I needed something sweet to take the sour taste of trashy human destruction out of my system.

                                      So, with the Pandas, we bade farewell to our nation's capital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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