Sunday, January 19, 2020

I Finished Volume One, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Girls, I told you I would reveal when I finished the first volume of Uwe Johnson's "Anniversaries."  And it was last night, around 8:30PM.  Let's see, I began on January 5, so that means it took me 13 days.  If I am fortunate enough to follow the same pace with Volume 2, it should take a total of 26 days for me to have read the entire work.

                                                  However, after taking in Volume One, I am taking a day off from reading today, because I need to process the enormity of the work.  And to take a breather before I tackle Volume 2, which is almost as long.  I am curious what more the author could have to say.  He certainly spilled plenty in the first book.

                                                   My only real criticism, thus far, is that the set should have been issued in four volumes, because the hardest thing for me, about reading Volume 1, was holding it.  And the same well applies to the second.  Maybe future editions will be offered in a four volume set.

                                                    For now, I am proud of my accomplishment, and look forward to sharing a full length review of the work, when done.  Whether in 13 days, or not.

                                                     Keep on pushing me to read, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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