Friday, February 14, 2020

Before Gettting To The Oscars, A Word About "Joker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                How on earth did this tripe net eleven Academy Award nominations?  And the Oscar for Best Score.  What score?  Did this film have music?  And who the hell is this Todd Phillips, a hack who directed romcoms and dumb jock movies, then scores with the atrocious "A Star Is Born," in 2018, and now he gets plaudits for this???????????????

                                 Hons, let me save you time and money.  "Joker" is a one note movie, with a one note performance by Joaquin Phoenix, two good, but minor ones, by Frances Conroy and Robert De Niro, and tastelessness and violence, galore!

                                  Hey, Todd!  Scorsese got there before you did.  "Joker" is a less nuanced version of "Taxi Driver," only Arthur Fleck's descent into madness arouses no sympathy from this quarter, and is devoid of all humanity.  While DeNiro's Travis Bickle, had issues, but also a humane side, in how he tried to get Jodie Foster (the role I so desperately wanted to play, back in 1976!) out of the racket she was in, Phoenix's Fleck is all about violence, and how the unheard--namely him, have been wronged, and deserve to be taken out for it!  Rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  "Joker," to paraphrase DeNiro is a two hour pity party, laced with violence--the murder of the cops by the subway mob on screen is one of the cruelest displays I have ever seen, and I wanted to leave, right then.  But I had to see the film through its course, and there is no redemption, anywhere.

                                       And, just for the record, if all you have seen of "Joker" is the iconic scene on the stairs, and think this is going to be a Stanley Donen musical, I can tell you right now that none of you have ever seen a Stanley Donen musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And maybe you should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "Joker" is no joke!  It is overlong, tasteless, and laced with gratuitous violence!  Don't ever show this in a nursing home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          For those of us who remember, Cesar Romero was still the best Joker, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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