Friday, February 14, 2020

The Show Might As Well Have Been Entitled, "Who Cares????????????????"

                               Which is why, girls, I never posted a thing when the Oscar nominations were announced.

                                  The only film I had any regard for was "Little Women."  I do want to see "Parasite," but more out of curiosity, than a desire to see a film I am really interested in seeing. None of the films nominated stood out in this way, which was the problem I had with the whole thing.

                                    None of the winners stood out, either.  Oh, sure, I was happy for Brad Pitt and Laura Dern.  But, really, wasn't Brad and Laura's awards for a lifetime of work, and Laura is beginning to make a career for herself, after "Marriage Story," and "Big Little Lies," as Hollywood's Career Bitch!  When an actress is now needed to play such, call Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Don't even talk to me about Joaquin and Renee Zellwegger.  Poor, poor performances.  The latter was a disgrace to the memory of Judy Garland!

                                     All this talk about diversity, and honoring women and Afro Americans is fine, but where are there roles for them?  Especially in the "of color" division.  The demographics out there still seem to want Tyler Perry as Madea--I LOVE Tyler Perry as Madea--as opposed to the serious roles that win Oscars, but the audience, to whom they are directed won't patronize, because, they are not culturally astute.

                                      Which comes down to a decline of culture in this country, and a lack of proper education in the schools.  Keep STEM, sure, but honor cultural and humanities, otherwise there will be, eventually, a generation  of unfeeling, apathetic boobs.  We are getting closer, all the time.

                                         Nothing stood out in this year's Oscars.  The set design was garish, the screens so small you could not read or see what was on them.  There wasn't even one outstanding dress, although I was pleased to see the four shots of Colin Jost in a tux!  Didn't he look just scrumptious, darlings????????????????????????

                                           True, an Oscar show is only as good as the movies turned out that year, so when are better movies turned out.  Somewhere in the nineties, filmmakers lost their way, and until they find their way back, this show won't be worth shit.  This year's wasn't.

                                             It was actually the lowest rated, ever!  Keep going, and the Oscars may cease to exist, after all!

                                               And only those, who know and appreciate film history, will care!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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