Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Girls, Now, Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Hear me out, dolls!  It is bad enough Gwyneth is selling her own vagina scented candles.  And it is even worse that people out there are buying them.  Thank God, they are available only online, because, if sold in stores, there would be patrons with sick curiosity, or teen aged hormonal boys, hovering around, doing a lot of sniffing. EWWWWWWWWWWWW!

                                              Now, I just love Aunt Flow, though, fortunately have never experienced a visit from her,  And even were I equipped for such, that ship has sailed, dolls!

                                               Aunt Flow is certainly more tasteful than "on the rag!," which I learned about, reading Stephen King's "Carrie," for the first time.

                                                Now, there is this commercial that takes girls through the stages of womanhood, beginning with the words, "You're long past your first tampon."  What happened to tasteful marketing like FEMS, with the yellow box, and multi-colored flower petals?   Or that simple stick figure drawing of a little girl, with the phrase, "Remember how simple life used to be?"

                                                   Well, for God's sake, with ads such as today's, it would not surprise me if they start demonstrating, on TV how to use, insert and change a tampon.  They are already talking about flow sizes, so I warn you, it is coming.

                                                       Maybe Gwyneth will do it!  Who knows?

                                                       But, girls, when it happens, MY television goes off!  I do not need to see that.

                                                       Would men allow their prostates to be shown on TV!  No way!

                                                        Stop this exploitation, girls!  Those who think it is advancing the #MeToo movement, guess again.  It is sexual exploitation!

                                                       And, young girls, out there, keep those visits from Aunt Flow coming!

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