Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"The Longest Night Of Rain" On 'SVU' Has Olivia Killing Everyone Off! So, What Will She Do When There Is No One Left??????????

                                  I have never forgiven the show's writers for the killing of Sister Peg (Charlayne Woodard) years back, and now I cannot forgive them for what they have done to Lieutenant Ed Tucker (the wonderful, and still hot, Robert John Burke) in this particular episode.

                                   Things start at Tucker's retirement party.  See, Olivia in the center of the shot?  She just HAS to upstage Burke as Tucker.  She learns he has a new wife, a nurse, which one can see unhinges Olivia.

                                      Now, for Rachel Wilson.  When seen in her car, with a gun ranting about the NYPD, and how she wants vengeance, I thought--here it comes--she is going to walk in, and shoot Tucker, and the rest of the story would be about tracking her down.

                                         This would not have been a bad idea.  But because they want to give Tucker and Olivia more time, and get the agenda about cops burning out on the job, (Rachel was once one herself) and committing suicide, Rachel, who only threw water at Tucker (like Shirley MacLaine did to Anne Bancroft in "The Turning Point') it was not so bad, so the heat was off her.  Especially since she later took her own life, too.

                                           The whole thing was a contrived mess.  I could have accepted Tucker going into the sunset, living happily on Long Island, or wherever, with his nurse wife, and enjoying his sunset years.  Which would have left open the possibility to make an occasional comeback on the show!

                                           But oh NO!  First, the writers return Olivia and Tucker to the place of their break up, where he reveals he has lung cancer, and it is going to his brain, which was why he could not remember Rachel's name from years past, and was placed under suspicion, initially, for covering up for his partner, Gary Wald, sleazily played by Michael Gaston, who is retired from the NYPD, and making money in the security industry in the private sector.  Well, he gets his, but it pales beside the Olivia-Tucker story.  And, then, near the end, comes the horror that Tucker has taken his own life.  Without consulting his wife, he has left a note saying he did not want her to spend her golden years, caring for a dying man.  And he did not want to suffer.  Which does not sound like Tucker to me, but bad writing, to make more room for Olivia to dominate the show.  This was truly heartbreaking, and I have not been this mad, since Sister Peg.

                                              You've gotten rid of everyone, but Finn, Liv!  When is he next?

                                               This was not "Long Day's Journey Into Night," darlings!  This was a hill of crap!

                                                 Tucker and Burke deserved a far better departure than they got!

                                                  But, then it is all about Olivia/Mariska, isn't it?
How touching.  Rest In Peace, Tucker!

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