Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Here's A Tantalizing Project To Consider This Spring--Build Your Own Grindhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The art stature of the Grindhouse has long been underrated.

                                This is something for the backyard, only in the Spring and Summer months.

                                 You build the cheesiest marquee, like the one above, behind which are seats, and a cheap screen and projector to show artsy trash films on the screen.   Personally, I would love to see "Girl Gang," but how about some more current titles like "Weinstein Roasted," or "Stormy Phillips Castrates Trump?"  There would be lines around the neighborhood block to get in.

                                   Or how about "The Back Street Abortionist?" or "Cannibal Women Sexually Exploit Men?"  I am sure these teasing titles could be made independently by so many out there, and then shown in one's own neighborhood Gindhouse.

                                    You do not need Quentin Tarentino for this.  Just a sense of fun trash!

                                     Which I know so many of my girls have!
For the more ambitious, how about your own Grindhouse Theme Park?????????????????

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