Saturday, February 29, 2020

Here Is To The End Of February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                It was a short month, but seemed fully packed, what with our vacation and all sorts of other happenings during this month.  And now it is Leap Day, in this, a Leap Year.  My sister has a REAL birthday today--she is now 80--I can't believe it!

                                                  So, Happy Birthday to all Leap Year Babies, and a joyous farewell to an action packed month.  May March be gentle and kind, bringing with it the promise of Spring.

                                                   And don't forget, there is Seamus' birthday--the 15th, and his presence in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, in Bay Ridge, which I will let you know when I find out.  It is not on the 17th.

                                                    See you next month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Tried to make leap day special for my grandsons.
    Crafts, a story... they were Not Impressed.
    I lost them with a too wordy explanation.
    Rookie mistake.

  2. Victoria,
    Try and have them watch
    Amy Sedaris, when she does
    crafts. Even I get the urge
