Sunday, March 1, 2020

Let's Say Hello To March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Here we are in the third month, already.  I thought this picture was so cute, as it heralds the promise of Spring, even though Easter is not until April 12.

                                      Let us hope March brings warmth, love, and happiness.

                                      It used to mean much more--the annual showing of "The Wizard Of Oz" on TV, and the Oscars, all took place in this month, when I was years younger.  Today, March's events are what we make them.

                                       So may your March events be truly happy ones!

                                        I will be sure to report, on here!


  1. That picture is calendar-worthy


  2. Victoria,
    The picture was so cute I settled on it.
    I was trying to get something with a lion
    and a lamb, but could find nothing. Old
    traditions are either dying, or being
