Monday, March 2, 2020

Jennifer McMahon Has Done It Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          One almost cannot go wrong with her, darlings!

                                           The questions in this novel is not just "Who are the invited?" but "To what are they invited to?"  This is a supernatural mystery that plays with the tragic history of three generations of women of the Breckinridge family, versus Helen and Nate, a couple trying to rebuild a house in Hartsboro, Vermont, and their lives, and Olive, a girl who has lost her mother, her father, Dustin, a tragic and vicious man, and Aunt Riley, Dustin' s sister.

                                             McMahon goes skillfully back and forth between ghost narration and character study.  The Breckinridge history is fascinating, but the climax of the murder mystery aspect is so wonderfully pulled off by McMahon, I had no idea what was coming.  Until then, I thought I had a clear picture of where the story was going.  Well, I was delightfully fooled.

                                                Atmospheric, suspenseful, while at time moving at a slower pace in spots, "The Invited" is for readers of this genre, and those who love Jennifer McMahon.  I have read many of her books, but not all, so I really need to go out and find what I have neglected of hers to read.

                                                  You are all invited to read "The Invited."  Perfect for these cold, winter nights, with tea and dainties!

                                                   Heh!  Heh!  Heh!


  1. Who doesn’t love a good ghost story!
    Twists and turns, a surprise ending!
    I had only read The Winter People so far

  2. Correction I’m pretty sure I read YA book by her, can’t think of the title


  3. Victoria,
    I did not know Jennifer McMahon wrote
    Young Adult Fiction. I love her other
    stuff so much, I might try it.

  4. It was called something like “The Dismantlers”?

  5. Victoria,

    Your were close. It is called
    "Dismantled," and I cannot wait to
    read it. She also wrote "Island Of
    Lost Girls," which I am not sure if
    I have already read.
