Thursday, February 27, 2020

Our Vacation Last Week Continued, With Tea At The St. Regis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Darlings, I have always had such fond memories of the St. Regis Hotel. Back in 1983, in the King Cole Room, while dining with someone from my past, whose name eludes me, I saw Barbara Cook perform for the first time.

                                           One of my birthday excursions, one year, consisted of a visit to the then renowned restaurant, Lespinasse.  That is for the next post.

                                             As for tea at the St. Regis, it is one of my favorite places for such.  Usually, I am seated by myself outside the main area, by one of the windows.  I recall one Winter, sipping tea, and enjoying treats, while the snow flashed by with such quantity as though the outside was invisible.

                                            Last Friday, with David at my side, we were escorted into the gorgeous Lady Astor Court, which is THE place to have tea, at this hotel.  The whole idea was created by Lady Astor herself, for this hotel.

                                              It was scrumptious.  I opted for a pot of Earl Grey, while David chose a more exotic blend.  The tea tray was charming, as were the finger sandwiches, scones and clotted cream, with jelly, and dainties.  I let David have the Salmon sandwiches, as those were not for me.

                                                We sipped, and gossiped, and I just know Jackie and Lee were at our sides.  But there was one unusual experience we had.

                                                    When returning from the Men's Room, David said, when I went there, to notice this particular sign.  Before we left, I paid a visit, and saw the sign by the exit door. It was small enough not to be unnoticed, and I had to read it with my glasses off, the print was so small.  It concerned human sex trafficking--not to conduct it there, what to watch out for, and how to tell if one is being sex trafficked.

                                                    I was astonished.  At the St. Regis?  What the hell is going on here?
I have never seen a sign like this anywhere else, at any other high end places.  What gives/

                                                      It gave us pause, but not to stop coming back to St. Regis for exquisite tea and service.

                                                     Girls, I am telling you, you have GOT to go here!


  1. Yes the St. Regis has joined many other hotels in an anti-sex trafficking program.
    Educating hotel staff in recognizing the signs, and how to report

  2. Forbes had an article titled something like “No Vacancy for Human Trafficking”


  3. Victoria,
    Thanks for the info. It makes sense
    though I always thought this sort of
    thing went on more at sleazy, out of
    the way hotels!

  4. Victoria,
    Now I would like to read that
    Forbes article, after what I
