Thursday, February 27, 2020

Something For A Change, Girls! Instead Of A Southern White Trash Bitch, A Utah Yuppie One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Chelsea Watrous Cook, aged 33, is one of the most pretentious winners of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  You know what she is?  She is a Yoga teacher.

                                    I have had it up to here with these Upper East Side mommies, in their Yoga outfits, who spend the entire day fixing their faces and figures, so that their hubbies may give them a look, a tumble, and some cash.  I mean, this is all they have to do with their day.  And the instructors are no better, either.  At least the mommies have children, even if they do walk ahead of the nanny who is wheeling, or walking, them.

                                     If all Chelsea was guilty of was pretension, she would not even be on here.  Back in November of 2018, on the pretext of delivering medicine, she visited her ex-husband's girl friend's house, and pulled out a gun, shooting and killing her, while her twin toddlers, presumably waiting in the car, witnessed the whole thing.

                                       Hey Chelsea, that is some message you are sending your children!  Hope Child Services got them away from you, right away.

                                        Can you believe how dumb she is?  I guess when one lives in Utah, there is not much else to do.

                                          My advice, girls, is to stay away from Utah!

                                          No need to fear Chelsea!  Where she is going, girls, she will not be seen, for a long time!

                                           Good riddance, you pretentious Yoga bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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