Saturday, February 22, 2020

This Episode Should Have Been Called "The Devil IS Prada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Thursday night's episode of 'SVU,' entitled, "Swimming With The Sharks," was enlivened by two performances--Radha Mitchell, as Luna Prasada, a fashion-feminist guru, and Samantha Mathis, as Melanie Franks.  Also, in this episode it was nice to see that Jamie Gray Hyder, as Kat, and Zuleika Robinson, as Bureau Chief Vanessa Hadid, have finally seemed to calm themselves down, and settle in.  Their characters, that is.

                                    The best thing about this episode were some of the subtexts.  The product that Luna was pushing was some sort of vibrator for women; clearly a riff on Gwyneth Paltrow's "This Smells Like My Vagina" scented candle!  And Luna Prasada turning out to be really Laurie Nobody, from Hackensack, New Jersey, is clearly sticking it to Martha Stewart, who, we all know, hails from Nutley, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Nutley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Strictly "Jersey Housewives" territory.

                                      Speaking of Marthas, I thought it was a hoot, that Samantha Mathis, in a good performance as Melanie Franks, was, in look and manner, trying to channel Martha Plimpton, who, if times were better, would have been playing the role, instead of Mathis.  Not to discredit Mathis' great work, but how I long for the days when guest stars of the caliber of Martha Plimpton would routinely appear on this show.  Alas...……….

                                        The story involved Melanie spearheading a group of younger coworkers to take Luna down, and take over the company.  Among the false accusations they used to "gaslight" Luna (a word that was used several times, meaning the writers knew their audience had no idea of what it means, let alone know the Ingrid Bergman movie!!!!!!!!!!!!) were false embezzlement and rape--of a man!

                                           I mean, I sort of get it.  There are two people at my former workplace who need to be taken down, but by legal means.  I still think their time will come.  Not only do I believe in what goes around comes around, but I also believe the adage, give a person enough rope, and he/she will hang themselves.

                                              Luna almost comes to believe it, and Mitchell's prison breakdown scene was some of the best guest acting I have seen for a long time.  I am surprised Mariska allowed it!

                                               Taking down someone, and a company is one thing.  But, in the end, it all came down to a grudge carried over from childhood.  Melanie and Luna (when she was Laurie) were best friends in Hackensack, and, while Melanie was brought on board, she wanted more, and she never recovered from "Laurie" stealing a necklace of hers at sleepaway camp, and flaunting it before her!

                                                 Now, hons, as you know, I have some bullying grudges, as I have mentioned on here.  But using such machinations to take someone down, from back then!  I wouldn't waste my time!  I am too busy, leading my present life!

                                                   Poor Melanie!  I guess she felt she did not have much of one, so she had to resort to this, when she should have taken action, decades before?

                                                    THIS is what an 'SVU' episode comes down to?  No wonder the show is struggling!

                                                      And Ice T was not on hand again!  Something is up, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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