Saturday, February 22, 2020

"I Deserve Some Loving Too" Deserves An "F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    I have to say the very opening of this episode, with the squad riding the subway, in search of a perp, had an exciting NYC specificity to it, that those of us who ride the trains every day, or to get to and from Manhattan, or therein, could relate to.

                                    After that, the story went downhill.  Despite a deliciously sleazy performance from Jeremy Bob, as ICE Agent Rory O'Toole, and  Delaney Williams, as John Buchanan, the defense attorney we all love to hate, the episode was simply another take on sex traficking, with an Immigration Office exec soliciting sex favors from females aspiring to get into our country.  Whether or not they comply depends on if they do, or not.  If not, they are deported back to wherever they came from.

                                     Big deal!  This is supposed to be a surprise?  Hons, it is probably happening, even as I sit here, writing this.

                                       But wait!  Near the end of this episode, something happens that will eventually explode like gunfire on the show.

                                        During the investigation, Amanda Rollins (the wonderful Kelli Giddish) finds herself working with Sergeant Hasim Khaldun, played by Ariel Stachel.  Not only are they compatible together as co-workers,  by the last scene, it looks as though he might be on future episodes, and this could blow things wide open, considering his background, if their relationship gets romantic, as it might.  And how will Carisi, who I believe is pining for Rollins, deal with this?  This is potentially explosive, darlings, and it was smart of the writers to inject this into a series that has been tired for a long time.

                                            And where the hell is Ice T?  Something is going on!

                                            Bet he has had it up to here, with Mariska!  I don't blame him, darlings!

                                            So have I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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