Saturday, February 22, 2020

What Kind Of Sickness Is This??????????????????

                                      The kids in this photo are stupid and cruel, but I really cannot make them the Bitch Of The Week.  The prize this time goes to the social networking site, Tik Tok, who came up with the cyberbullying game known as the Skeleton Challenge.  This is causing serious injury, concussions, and pain to those who have attempted it.  Of course, they are stupid too, but that is youth for you.

                                        Bullying has gotten worse.  Let me tell you about an incident that happened to me in my time.  After one of our seventh grade classes, two classmates (one of whom was the oft mentioned, at least on here, Diane Dykeman!) approached me, saying they wanted to tell me abut the "Ten Little Indians."  I had not idea what was in for me, but since the two were popular, I thought maybe I was finally being accepted.  Au contraire, darlings!

                                         The two, with me adjoining, got into this mock argument about the Indians.
They reached an impasse, where one said, "Shake on it!," then they joined hands, and jammed them right into my stomach.  I fell down, but was more shocked, and humiliated, than physically hurt.  My pride was wounded, but at least I did not have to go to the hospital.

                                            This situation is different.  Two students corner a third, saying they are going to teach that student to dance.  When the student tries, and leaps in the air, they kick out the student's legs from under him/her, causing said individual to fall on the floor, in a way that could result in a concussion, which has happened, to death.

                                              Must we wait till some kid dies, before something is done?  Who are these idiots at Tik Tok , anyway, and why aren't they put out of business?

                                                The kids, even the perps, are the victims.  The latter could face charges for inflicting injury or worse, while the dancer could end up injured, or dead.

                                                  And I was always told my school days were supposed to be the happiest of my life!  Not till I got to college!

                                                    As for these kids, they don't stand a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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