Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Very Quirky Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This was recommended to me by my foremost book source, and, while I have to say she was right, it was not quite what I expected.  Quirky, to be sure, but the blurbs kept suggesting this is such a humorous book, and I found it poignant and sad.

                                      Lillian, who rises from White Trash origins, rooms with a girl, Madison, from the top social tier.  A scandal breaks out, and Lillian is forced to take the fall, so Madison can remain at the private school.  Nevertheless, the girls, who have an odd kind of friendship, correspond over the years.  Lillian has never married, while Madison has weathered several bad ones, till she bags a rich one, now a Senator, and hoping to run for Secretary Of State.

                                        Now, when Jasper, the husband, was married, to Jane, she died suddenly, which makes me still suspicious he killed her.  They had two children, Bessie and Roland, who have an unusual malady--whenever they are emotionally triggered, their bodies are set on fire,  Human spontaneous combustion.  I know it sounds preposterous, but just go with it.

                                            The children are only ten years old.

                                           Madison corrals Lillian into taking care of these kinds, and their isolated existed, and how they must be kept from political society mirrored both "The Miracle Worker," and "The Turn Of The Screw."  Everything comes apart at the climax, where the snooty ones get what they deserve, but the book did not make me laugh.  It was achingly poignant.

                                             I have never heard of Kevin Wilson, but he can hold his own, narratively.

                                             For those who desire something very different, one could not ask for more!


  1. Wow I forgot about Turn of the Screw.
    Now THAT was a Dark ghost story!!
    Might have to read it again...


  2. Victoria,
    One of the best ever written!
