Tuesday, March 24, 2020

"Fear Thy Neigbor" Showed My Favorite One--The Story of Jenny and Iriwn, and Janiece and Jeremy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            All I can say is, the actress playing Janiece, must have had the time of her life.  Imagine this woman with unkempt dark hair, and you have an idea of how trashy Janiece is.  A fat, White Trash pig, who calls her neighbors, "Cow!" and "Fat Whore!" and other non Ivy League expressions.

                                            I loved Janiece every time she was on screen.  And I felt for Jenny and Irwin being harassed by them.

                                            But one thing this episode told me was it is not always the crazy ones who are the most dangerous.  And no one considered the extenuating circumstances, nor did anyone reach out to help.

                                             Janiece and Jeremy were hard luck characters. They live next to Jenny and Irwin.  Janiece wanted a child but was unsuccessful.  One day they packed up, and left.  The house stood there, things got paid, but no one knew where they were.  Ten years later, they magically return, with a ten-year-old boy, Marcus, but something is distinctly different about them.  They are unfriendly, abrasive, and they live like White Trash.  Cops are called, but nothing is ever done,  Of course, they have a pit bull.  And the house is filthy; bags of human feces all about, the child's bedroom unfit for sleeping in; where was Child Protective Services, and Social Services????????????

                                              You see, despite the campiness of Janiece, they were all unraveling, being just one step from the street.  And the mess reflected their emotional state.

                                                 Now, the way Janiece  carried on, one might have thought the culminating act would have been hers.  Quite unexpectedly, it was Irwin, pushed to a limit, who took his gun and fire fifteen shots--eight in Janiece, seven in Jeremy--killing them dead.   Poor Marcus had to go into the foster care system, which may have better than how he was living, but God help him.
Why is it that these situations, which reek of high school, always end with guns, ammo, and people being killed?

                                                    This episode actually made me think.  By the end, I felt sympathy for Janiece and Jeremy,

                                                       But, I am telling you, girls, the scene where Janiece runs her fingers across her neck, threatening to cut Jenny's head, is priceless.

                                                          You have gotta see this one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Is that Anna Nicole on the cover?!
    In go-go boots and no undergarments
    Poor soul.
    Her daughter is being raised out of the public eye, thankfully


  2. Now that you mention it, it does
    look like Anna Nicole. Have not thought
    of her in years!
