Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Forget Mel Brooks! I Have Enough "High Anxiety" Of My Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Only David knows the extent of my high anxiety,  So when, over this weekend, we got our sort of annual Spring allergy cold,, you know where my thoughts went.  But I had no fever, no problem breathing, my lungs were clear, and with Tylenol and an extra dose of clonopin, I managed to get some sleep last night, after two consecutive sleepless nights, due to nerves,

                                         David wanted to make sure I blog to my girls, and let all know we are both OK,  I feel better than I have felt in the last two days, so I think it was just a cold.  Sometimes, a cold still can be a cold.  But once sniffles start, the game has been changed.

                                          I am virtually self-quarantining.  I mean, I sit here, I read, I write,  I am going to freshen up today, because I feel well enough to do it, and fashion conscious enough to be aware of my appearance!

                                           It is so easy to panic!  And no one does it better than I!

                                           Nerves can wreak havoc on the immune system.

                                            So, girls, try and keep cool.  If you know you have been nowhere and you still get symptoms like these, a cold could be a cold could be a cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I plan throwing my anxiety into my passions--reading and writing.

                                                And keeping you all informed, darlings!

                                                Please, stay well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guard your heart and mind, through Christ Jesus our Lord...

  2. hello michael and david is everything okay you havent blogged in 7 days and you left us with a shaky blog whether you are okay or not let us know whats going on I hope youre both safe and healthy concearned norman

  3. michael hello its april 14 you havent posted since march24 please let us know aomething even its a brief post very concearned norman

  4. Norman
    Hag on. You are about to find out!
