Friday, April 17, 2020

OK, Girls, Where Have I Been????????????????

                                        The short answer is, like everyone else, I have been in my house, in quaretnine.

                                        The long answer is after my March 24 post, and for the next two weeks, I came down with such a massive sinus infection.  Everything hurt, and I could not read, eat, do anything but hydrate.  The doctor gave me massive doses of antibiotics, and Musinex, which helped. But I was bored just laying in front of the junk that passes for TV today.

                                         One day, I found I could do "Frank Mills" letter perfect, and I knew then I was on my way back.  But I went two weeks without reading, which is like a street addict going without their stash, so you can imagine how bored I was of daytime and nighttime television.  Still, I am on the mend now.

                                         And I want to thank all those who asked, and maybe wondered, for your concern.  And an apology to some of the events we missed in April.

                                          1.The anniversary of my mother's death--April 2.

                                          2. Hayley Mills' 74th birthday on April 9!  Girls, can you believe it?

                                          3. No annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette" on Easter Sunday, April 12.  I just was not up to it.

                                            But there is still BARBRA's birthday coming up, on the 24th, and maybe by then I will be ready to do "My Man."  Full Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Thanks once more for looking in on me.  For all  intents and purposes I am back, and I have seldom been happier!

                                             Stay tuned!  There is more coming!



  1. Welcome back! I’m very happy that you are better now!

  2. Victoria and Annie,
    Thanks so much for the warm welcome!
    I am happy to be writing again!
