Friday, April 17, 2020

Kate, Kate, What Did You Do To Me????????????????

                                        This is a cautionary tale about reading, darlings.  Sometimes, a book is not ready for us, and vice versa.

                                         Now, save the above, I have read just about all Kate Atkinson's books, and have always derived great pleasure from them.  Her first novel, "Behind The Scenes At The Museum," which I had never read, was next in the order of my pile.  I picked it up in earnest, but could only get to page 70.  And I knew I did want to go farther.

                                         I was genuinely shocked.  This is not like me at all.  I had to face the truth, I just did not have the strength to read Kate Atkinson's book.  Maybe in another time, another place.  After all, I love Kate.

                                          So, here is what I read instead!---
"The Archive Of Lost Endings," by Lindsey Drager--At 154 pages, a quickie, with retellings of "Hansel And Gretel" and the actual Brothers Grimm.  A fictionalized compilation of what Bruno Bettelheim did, which resulted in Sondheim creating the 1987 classic, "Into The Woods."

Maybe that is it.  Maybe I had had too much of my own reality, and Kate was adding on to it.  So, a dose of fantasy did the trick.

Anyway, with no social life to speak of, this blog may become a book column for awhile.  But I promise to throw in human, and humorous, anecdotes, when I can.

And if the social scene ever starts up again--no matter what form it takes--I will be there!


  1. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a book column!
    How about your wacky dreams?
    Or annoying commercials!
    Stories from childhood!
    How to help others without leaving home!
    Figuring out the New Normal!


  2. Victoria,
    All good ideas, and more are
    brewing in my head, right now!
