Friday, April 17, 2020

Who Would Have Thought A Culture Club Song Would Have Gotten Me Through This, Thus Far????????????

                                       As Mrs. Lovett says, darlings, "Bright ideas just pop into my head."  Certainly none as grim as hers, but, along with ideas, songs pop into my head, and sometimes an unusual song will make an appearance and drive away bad times.

                                        For me, this time around it was "Karma Chameleon."

                                        Am I losing it?  A song by Boy George?  And Culture Club?

                                       Darlings, when this song was first hot, I barely knew about either.  All I knew was it had a catchy, comforting melody, and a gentle voice singing it.

                                         Maybe that was what I needed during my convalescence--comfort and gentleness.

                                          In any case, it seemed to do the trick!

                                          Here is the official video!  I hope it offers you comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don’t know if I understand the lyrics, but it IS a lovely melody!!


  2. Victoria,
    Yes, the melody is what first
    called my attention to the song!
