Monday, March 2, 2020

And Happy Birthday To Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      She would have been 101 today, which I am not sure she would have made, anyway, but how I wish she had made the century mark.  Jennifer Jones made an impact on films, and the Hollywood scene, being married to Selznick, and having so much tragedy in her life, as the almost price for her fame which began with her world stunning performance, in "The Song Of Bernadette," back in 1943.

                                        Actually, this date was big in her life.  She was born, started production on 'Bernadette' on this date, and a year later, on her 25th birthday, received the Academy Award for her stunning performance.

                                          How we miss Jennifer Jones, but annual Easter viewings of "The Song Of Bernadette" keep her alive in our minds and our hearts!

                                           So, here is to Jennifer Jones, whose portrait of Bernadette will lives in hearts for generations!

Never forgotten!

Brilliant!  And look at Arthur Millers Oscar winning

                                     The apotheosis of Jennifer Jones!


  1. To those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary...


  2. To those who do not believe in God, no explanation is possible!

    Welcome back, Victoria!
