Thursday, March 5, 2020

Girls, It Is Time To Hydrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Spring will soon be here, but Winter does such awful things to our skin, girls, that one cannot ignore the importance of hydration.

                                 As the late, great, Diana Vreeland once said, "If you have a faucet, you can have a facial."  Meaning no expensive creams and lotions.

                                  Douse your face several times with cold water at the start of each day, and the end of the day. Its bracingness will tighten your skin.

                                  And hydrate your insides with water, as often as you can.

                                  Internal and external purity is what we aim for, darlings.

                                  So, when it is time to apply those beauty products, our faces will already be clean and lovely
This is what I use, darlings!  Put some on, wash it off, put the smoother cream on for the day, and I am ready to go!

That is all it takes, darlings!

So, get going!