Monday, March 16, 2020

As A Side Note, Today Happens To Be The Anniversary Of My First Holy Communion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        The year was 1963, and I was eight years old.  This was back in the day when could not eat anything, before taking Communion.  Now, my story is unique, because of all surrounding it.

                                                          The back story was that Channel 9, on that very Saturday morning, was going to show, on their movie program, "Super Adventure Theater," the original "Godzilla;" that is, the one we all grew up with, featuring Raymond Burr.  Well, I was torn.  I wanted to take Communion, but I wanted to see "Godzilla, " too.  My parents wouldn't hear of it, of course, and, as they firmly pushed me into the car, I retorted, "But how do you spell 'Godzilla/'  G-O-D...…."
The ploy did not work.

                                                            I did see the film about a year later, in our living room, ill, lying on my back, with a suppository up my ass.  But that is another story.

                                                             Communion went off without a hitch, except for the following.  Aside from "Godzilla" Ricky Brown was sitting next to me.  I remember, as we went back to our pew,  he said to me, "This stuff tastes gooey."  A few minutes later, I turned to look and there he was, throwing up onto the seat.  Maybe he hadn't eaten enough the night before.  He did come from Goat Alley.

                                                                Before I could process what had taken place, an austere nun seemingly appeared out of nowhere, escorting Ricky out of the church, where I was sure he was going to be tortured.  Another nun, as quickly appeared, and coated the vomit with green, pungent incense.  I spent the end part of Mass--consisting of the Benediction, and something they used to have called the Last Gospel--staring at this green mound,  as though it were a freshly buried grave, but knowing what was underneath.

                                                                   Yes, I shall always remember my First Holy Communion.  I have no idea what message God was sending me then, but I can tell you now, it surely was that I was not destined to be Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                                     Which I still watch, every Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. There was a Family Guy episode about that!

  2. Stewie throws up the Host, so they disguise him as a girl and flee to Texas.


  3. Really? David loves "Family Guy,"
    so I must ask him to tape this for me!

  4. I'm trying to catch up on your posts while self-quarantining here. You were 8 when you made your First Communion? I was only 6 and remember getting the dry heaves from swallowing the host on an empty stomach!
